



Maria && Karen:)


cheer tumbling

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" The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do."
----walter bagehot

"one day your life will flash before your eyes so make sure its worth watching...."

"The world is strage,but the play is badly cast"

-------oscar wilde

"Cruelty would be delicious if one could only find some sort of cruelty that didn't really hurt. "
George Bernard Shaw 


whats a place you want to visit before you die?

Music is the universal language of mankind-by: henry wadsworth longfellow ,outre-mer

A painter plants pictures on canvas. But musicians paint their pictures on silence.
======== leopold stokowski========================================

Life is like a tin of sardines-we're all of us looking for the key.

==================by:Alan Christie=============

Do dogs know when you're sick?

I read a story about a dog who detected skin cancer on a old lady. It all started when dog was biting her out of no where, which it never happen before. The lady went to the doctor to check on her dog bites. Thats when the doctor told her they discovered the skin cancer on time. Do you think is possible that a dog could know this before a human can?